A downloadable game

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About the game

I couldn't get a text system to work so pretty much I'll place the lore here.

Spoiler free segment: You wake up from a cold place, maybe you were not in the world of the living or just woke up in a cold place, you can remember someones's last will was important to you, but can;t remember it itself, but yeah, you don't have anywhere to go or pretty miuch anything, so you keep wandering the world.

Spoiler segment: Well the plot twist would have been that the enemies you fought throughout your journey were average folk and actually the last words you cant remembed were a curse that makes you roam the world endlessly / or would have been nice words but indirectly would have harmed the person who said them to you.

Gamejaming experience

Originally I had planned to work on a small 2d game but due to some complications I pretty much gave up, although I ended up checking yahaha and I had a good experience, after all not having to implement everything from scratch and having a large set of assets for free does help building something quickly. yet one thing I wish had more documentation about wast the scripting part.

And for the metroidvania part, I think the concept works, a 2dish like style about fighting fantasy like enemies :3

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